Berlin Driving Simulator

The Berlin Driving Simulator is a hydraulically actuated transient maneuvering driving simulator. The simulator is composed of a base driven by a hydraulic actuator in the lateral direction on linear bearings and 6 actuators attach the simulator room to the base in a typical flight simulator linkage configuration. The 6 actuators allow the vehicle to yaw, roll, pitch and also allow limited translation in the lateral, vertical and fore/aft directions.

The simulator room contains video projection in the forward 180-degree view and a rear view projector, which can be seen in the vehicle mirrors. The simulator room also contains the driving cabin, which is an actual vehicle or driving cabin rigidly attached to the simulator room floor. The steering is replaced with a force feedback system where the steering gear would normally be located. The simulator room also contains sound equipment for generating engine, wind, orange cone impact and tire squeal noise. All vehicle controls function as per a normal vehicle to provide input to the simulator.

The simulator control system uses driver input from normal steering, braking and accelerator controls to orient the video projection and to move the simulator room so that the driver experiences realistic vehicle attitude, motions and force feedback. The machine simulates most realistically transient lateral displacement maneuvers from the straight-ahead driving position. Typical maneuvers such as slalom, lane change and transient steer tests are the most realistic driving experiences.

Correlation with Real Vehicle

The Berlin Driving Simulator is capable of delivering a realistic vehicle experience primarily based on transient lateral acceleration, vehicle roll angle, vehicle side slip angle, vehicle loaded attitude, steering position and force feedback, wind noise and tire squeal.

Personal Comments

Initially the simulator feels artificial and it took me about 45 minutes to ’trust’ what I knew to be an artificial horizon from the video projection system. Very small steering inputs (± 10°) give the impression of a ’lumpy’ or ‘sticky’ ride response probably occurring as a result of the response lag from the hydraulic inertia of the system. For larger steer inputs the simulator response is more realistic.

Accelerating and decelerating the vehicle made me feel as if I was ‘surfing on a wave’. The simulator has extremely limited capabilities in generating longitudinal acceleration.

The ‘perfectness' of the road surface and the ‘perfectness' of the vehicle allowed for very precise and controlled evaluations. This benefit coupled with the ability to switch vehicle configurations from the control console, in near real time, and run the exact same events (slalom and lane change) indefinitely enabled the driver to evaluate the different vehicle configurations in a more scientifically controlled test than in an actual vehicle on an actual road surface.

After a week of simulator driving I was still amazed at the motion of approximately 12 tonnes of simulator ‘flying’ about the building within the limits of the hydraulic actuators when viewed from the control console.

To obtain maximum benefit from the simulator the driver needs to be focussed on evaluation and driving technique and to ‘shut out’ the artificialness of the display and quirky steady state effects.



The simulator vehicle model is symmetric left to right (symmetric left to right in kinematics and compliance, mathematically round tires with consistent tire spring rates and damping and symmetric left to right steering response and efforts). This improves the subjective evaluation allowing for a more consistent evaluation of the delta between evaluated components. Real world subjective evaluations are often affected by the variation in how the vehicle feels left to right. This is particularly evident in any maneuver involving steering inputs, which affect changes in transient wheel loading left to right.

The road surface ‘perfectness’ (mathematically flat, constant coefficient of friction, constant light reflectivity and mathematically straight) and lack of ride inputs also improve the driver’s ability to identify subtle variations in vehicle feel and behavior for vehicle configuration changes.


The simulator model can be updated in near real time with any model post processed for simulator use. This feature allows the baseline to be reevaluated at any time. When reevaluating a model it is always identical and consistent to previous evaluations. The track conditions are consistent and changes in grip due to moisture, radiant heating / cooling are not present.

Driver Consistency

By using the cruise control evaluations can be run at constant speed negating the surfing on a wave feeling when the simulator attempts to induce a longitudinal acceleration.

The simulator provides an ideal forum for driver training. Cone based events such as lane changes and slaloms are automatically setup on a regular basis without having to reset cones after each run.

Correlation - Vehicle to Simulator

The simulator is an excellent tool for building rapport between simulation and dynamics engineers. Allows sharing of information, issues, and aids in achieving correlation between dynamics and simulation engineers.

The ‘closed room’ layout of the simulator keeps simulation and dynamics engineers in constant communication with each other. This helps when checking on the validity of run data. Modifications to the simulator model can be generated quickly by the simulation engineers based on subjective feedback from the dynamics engineers.

Constraints / Limitations

Constant Speed

The simulator has only limited capability to move fore/aft. This travel limitation is insufficient to produce any significant longitudinal acceleration. When accelerating to test speed or decelerating at the end of a test the acceleration sensation is like ‘surfing on a wave’. Once a constant speed is reached a normal driving sensation is experienced.

Transients Only

The simulator is not used to evaluate steady state cornering because such events require excessive lateral deflections over time to simulate continuous lateral forces.

Due to practical limitations in simulator travel the degrees of freedom of the simulator motions are scaled from the real world. Once the driver makes a conscious adjustment the scaling effects become less noticeable.

Degree of Freedom Scaling (%) 100% = actual Max Available for 1 DOF
Roll 30 +/- 30 degrees
Yaw 30 +/- 30 degrees
Pitch 30 +/- 30 degrees
Lateral Acceleration 80 5.6 m total
Longitudinal Acceleration 15 N/A

Table 1 - Simulator Degrees of Freedom

No Ride Events

The simulator is not used to evaluate driving events that are primarily due to longitudinal or vertical displacements. No base excitation from road surfaces is simulated.

Virtual Reality

Motion sickness can result from the simulator running out of travel or the lack of a known visual horizon to orient to. Some familiarization is required to adjust to the artificialness of driving. This is particularly true when the simulator suffers a soft or hard stop as a result of running out of lateral travel. The simulator will return to the home position after a hard stop. The lateral and vertical accelerations experienced during this maneuver do not correlate with the display motion.

The simulator display resolution is also due for upgrade. The low-resolution display results in some eyestrain after a full day of simulator use.

Case Study 1 - HB front stabar non linear rate –vs- hysteresis

An interesting outcome of the initial ND simulations clearly showed the root cause of the HB issue relating to vague and darty steering at sub limit maneuvers. After evaluating roll stiffness distribution on the ND simulations were run with the model modified to simulate the HB front stabar non-linear rate and hysteresis as depicted in SPMM data (C04382). The flexibility of the simulator allowed evaluations of hysteresis only –vs- the baseline, non-linear roll rate –vs- the baseline and the combination (actual vehicle) of hysteresis + non-linear roll rate –vs- the baseline. The separation of hysteresis and non-linear roll rate has not been evaluated on the actual HB vehicle.

The hysteresis only evaluation resulted in vague turn in response with low steer feedback just off center and then when steer effort increased (non linearly) the vehicle yaw rate increased (darty). This behavior was similar to the roll velocity of the HB 123 wk and S0 as built Phase A vehicles. With non-linear roll rate only the roll stiffness distribution and balance actually improved probably due to the non-optimized baseline evaluated in this evaluation. But the initial turn in roll angle increased. This roll velocity or roll dip increase was also similar to the HB character.

Case Study 2 – Understanding the Rollover Mechanism

Another interesting outcome of a GVW ND run was the capture of data showing how vehicle rollover occurs. The rollover event occurred at the end of a slalom run. The plots are included here to graphically demonstrate the comprehensive data available from simulation runs. The first plot shows the final cone and exit from a successful slalom run. (successful = consistent and appropriate dynamics driving style) The second plot shows the exit and rollover from an unsuccessful slalom evaluation run with a more aggressive driving style. (Unsuccessful = aggressive driving style resulting in loss of vehicle control) The rollover plot shows 4 distinct data regions.

  1. Region 1: Typical slalom data (< 26.3 secs)

  2. Region 2: Loss of vehicle control with rapid weight transfer at the tire contact patches and diverging vehicle yaw angle (26.3 to 29.10 secs) Note the momentary lift off / unloading of both front tires in this region.

  3. Region 3: Wheel lift and rollover (29.10 to 29.6 secs)

  4. Region 4: Vehicle has rolled over and simulator has stopped due to mathematical singularities (> 29.6 secs)

Once the GVW load case was run successfully the evaluation was re run with a more aggressive driving style to see what the ultimate failure mechanism would be. The simulator allows the driver to overdrive the vehicle without the risks associated with performing the same maneuvers on a real vehicle. Observers were monitoring data channels in real time to see if vertical wheel loads indicated wheel lift off for the GVW load case. Refer to Table 2 for German to English Translation.

The technical root cause of the rollover was excessive yaw angle leading to tripping. As can be seen from plot 2 the vehicle yaw attitude diverged above typical slalom yaw angle values of ± 15° near the end of the slalom run. Front wheel lift off occurred on both front wheels prior to lift off.

At high lateral accelerations the simulator uses up all the lateral travel and the increased yaw of the cabin at GVW uses up a substantial portion of the travel of the other 6 hydraulic actuators. The simulator looks like it is trying to ’tie itself in a knot’ when viewed from the control room during these high yaw angle maneuvers.

Slalom Data

Figure 1 - Slalom Data

Slalom Data with Rollover

Figure 2 - Slalom Data with Rollover

Instrumented Handling Data Output

A comprehensive suite of channels can be recorded and output with real time simulator data. Over 120 channels of data equivalent to a fully instrumented vehicle can be exported in ASCII or binary format.

The data is clean without much of the noise associated with real world data such as wheel hop and ‘roll rock’ driven by uneven road surfaces and vehicle asymmetry.

Channel No. English German Channel No. English German
0 Time (s) Zeit,[s] 85 Left front braking moment (N-m) Bremsmoment VL,Nm
1 Vehicle Speed (kph) Geschwindigkeit,km/h 86 Right rear braking moment (N-m) Bremsmoment HR,Nm
2 Yaw angle (deg) Gierwinkel,Grad 87 Left rear braking moment (N-m) Bremsmoment HL,Nm
3 Sideslip angle (deg) Schwimmwinkel,Grad 88 Right Tie Rod Load, N Spurstangenkraft VR,N
4 Radius of Curvature (m) Polabstand,m 89 Left Tie Rod Load, N Spurstangenkraft VL,N
5 Fore/aft acceleration (m/s2) Tangentialbeschleunigung,m/s**2 90 Rack Load, N Zahnstangenkraft,N
6 Lateral Acceleration (m/s2) Radialbeschleunigung,m/s**2 91 Right Steering Axis Moment, N-m Spreizachsenmoment VR,Nm
7 Right front jounce (mm) Federweg VR,mm 92 Left Steering Axis Moment, N-m Spreizachsenmoment VL,Nm
8 Left front jounce (mm) Federweg VL,mm 93 Stabar front wheel load (N) Stabilisatorkraft VL,N
9 Right rear jounce (mm) Federweg HR,mm 94 Federgeschw._Rad_VR,m/s
10 Left rear jounce (mm) Federweg HL,mm 95 Federgeschw._Rad_VL,m/s
11 Spung CG x-coord (m) Schwerpunktkoordinate x,m 96 Federweg am Teil hi re,mm
12 Spung CG y-coord (m) Schwerpunktkoordinate y,m 97 Federweg am Teil hi li,mm
13 Spung CG z-coord (m) Schwerpunktkoordinate z,m 98 Stabar rear wheel load (N) Stabilisatorkraft HL,N
14 Roll angle (deg) Wankwinkel,Grad 99 Federgeschw._Rad_HR,m/s
15 Right front tire normal force (N) Radlast VR,N 100 Federgeschw._Rad_HL,m/s
16 Left front tire normal force (N) Radlast VL,N 101 Steering wheel torque (N-m) Lenkradmoment,Nm
17 Right rear tire normal force (N) Radlast HR,N 102 Rack pinion toruqe (N-m) Schnittmoment Lenksäule,Nm
18 Left rear tire normal force (N) Radlast HL,N 103 Zahnstangenverschiebung,mm
19 Right front tire lateral force (N) Seitenkraft VR,N 104 Trägheitsmoment Lenkrad,Nm
20 Left front tire lateral force (N) Seitenkraft VL,N 105 Reibmoment Zahnstange,Nm
21 Right rear tire lateral force (N) Seitenkraft HR,N 106 Zahnstangenreibung,N
22 Left rear tire lateral force (N) Seitenkraft HL,N 107 Mantelrohrreibung,Nm
23 Right front slip angle (deg) Schräglaufwinkel VR,Grad 108 Lenkungsdämpferkraft,N
24 Left front slip angle (deg) Schräglaufwinkel VL,Grad 109 Servodruck,bar
25 Right rear slip angle (deg) Schräglaufwinkel HR,Grad 110 Torsionsstabverdrehung,Grad
26 Left rear slip angle (deg) Schräglaufwinkel HL,Grad 111 flag-sw-motion,-
27 Radeinschlag,Grad 112 phi-sw-deg,Grad
28 Umfangskraft,N 113 phi-sw,rad
29 Yaw rated (deg/sec) Giergeschwindigkeit,Grad/s 114 phi-sc,rad
30 Path distance (m) Wegstrecke,m 115 phi-pi,rad
31 Road wheel steer angle (deg) Lenkwinkel,Grad 116 omega-sw-deg,Grad/s
32 Right front tire longitudinal force (N) Umfangskraft VR,N 117 omega-sw,rad/s
33 Left front tire longitudinal force (N) Umfangskraft VL,N 118 omega-sw-old,rad/s
34 Right rear tire longitudinal force (N) Umfangskraft HR,N 119 omega-sw-dot,rad/s/s
35 Left rear tire longitudinal force (N) Umfangskraft HL,N 120 t-driver,Nm
36 Right front slip (%) Schlupf VR,% 121 t-sw,Nm
37 Left front slip (%) Schlupf VL,% 122 t-sc,Nm
38 Right rear slip (%) Schlupf HR,% 123 t-tb,Nm
39 Left rear slip (%) Schlupf HL,% 124 t-pi,Nm
40 Right front accelerating moment (N-m) Antriebsmoment VR,Nm 125 t-ehl,Nm
41 Left front accelerating moment (N-m) Antriebsmoment VL,Nm 126 t-sw-friction,Nm
42 Right rear accelerating moment (N-m) Antriebsmoment HR,Nm 127 rack-and-pinion,-
43 Left rear accelerating moment (N-m) Antriebsmoment HL,Nm 128 s,m
44 Rad-Leistung,PS 129 s-dot,m/s
45 Overall CG height Z (m) Fahrzeugschwerpunkt Z,m 130 f-sr,N
46 FCT-Zeit,ms 131 f-sr-tires,N
47 Nickwinkel,Grad 132 f-sr-friction,N
48 Steering wheel angle (deg) Lenkradwinkel,Grad 133 f-sr-damper,N
49 Lenkw.-Ackermannw.,Grad 134 steer-angle-deg,Grad
50 Schwimmwinkel HA,Grad 135 steer-angle,rad
51 Wankgeschwindigkeit,Grad/s 136 flag-sr-motion,-
52 Right front dynamic slip angle (deg) dyn Schraeglaufwinkel VR,Grad 137 f-ehl,N
53 Left front dynamic slip angle (deg) dyn Schraeglaufwinkel VL,Grad 138 Sperrmo-Zentralsp.,Nm
54 Right rear dynamic slip angle (deg) dyn Schraeglaufwinkel HR,Grad 139 DELRITZ_HV,U/min
55 Left rear dynamic slip angle (deg) dyn Schraeglaufwinkel HL,Grad 140 UEB,-
56 Right front camber relative to ground (deg) Sturz rel zur Straße VR,Grad 141 AUSKUPPELN,-
57 Left front camber relative to ground (deg) Sturz rel zur Straße VL,Grad 142 NRELP,U/min
58 Right rear camber relative to ground (deg) Sturz rel zur Straße HR,Grad 143 MKUEBS,Nm
59 Left rear camber relative to ground (deg) Sturz rel zur Straße HL,Grad 144 NRELKUEB,U/min
60 Right front camber relative to vehicle (deg) Sturz VR,Grad 145 MSCHALT,Nm
61 Left front camber relative to vehicle (deg) Sturz VL,Grad 146 KUEBSIG,-
62 Right rear camber relative to vehicle (deg) Sturz HR,Grad 147 GANGWIRK,-
63 Left rear camber relative to vehicle (deg) Sturz HL,Grad 148 KUPZUS,-
64 Right front steer angle (deg) Spur VR,Grad 149 MKUPPL,Nm
65 Left front steer angle (deg) Spur VL,Grad 150 MHINT,Nm
66 Right rear steer angle (deg) Spur HR,Grad 151 MVORN,Nm
67 Left rear steer angle (deg) Spur HL,Grad 152 DK_Winkel,Grad
68 Right front kinematic steer (deg) kinematische Spur VR,Grad 153 Motor-Leistung,PS
69 Left front kinematic steer (deg) kinematische Spur VL,Grad 154 UeGes,1
70 Right rear kinematic steer (deg) kinematische Spur HR,Grad 155 M_Motor,Nm
71 Left rear kinematic steer (deg) kinematische Spur HL,Grad 156 M_Turbine,Nm
72 Right front compliance steer (deg) elastokin Spur VR,Grad 157 MGetrA,Nm
73 Left front compliance steer (deg) elastokin Spur VL,Grad 158 M_Pumpe,Nm
74 Right rear compliance steer (deg) elastokin Spur HR,Grad 159 Nue_Wandl,1
75 Left rear compliance steer (deg) elastokin Spur HL,Grad 160 Eta_Wandl,1
76 Right front aligning moment (N-m) Reifenrückstellmoment VR,Nm 161 vRad vl,km/h
77 Left front aligning moment (N-m) Reifenrückstellmoment VL,Nm 162 vRad vr,km/h
78 Right rear aligning moment (N-m) Reifenrückstellmoment HR,Nm 163 vRad hl,km/h
79 Left rear aligning moment (N-m) Reifenrückstellmoment HL,Nm 164 vRad hr,km/h
80 Right front tire-road coefficient of friction Reibungsbeiwert VR,- 165 n_Motor,U/min
81 Left front tire-road coefficient of friction Reibungsbeiwert VL,- 166 n_Turbine,U/min
82 Right rear tire-road coefficient of friction Reibungsbeiwert HR,- 167 n_Getriebe_ab,U/min
83 Left rear tire-road coefficient of friction Reibungsbeiwert HL,- 168 M_Motreg,Nm
84 Right front braking moment (N-m) Bremsmoment VR,Nm 169 Anstroemwinkel,Grad

Table 2 - Simulator Channels


Run Number Vehicle Model Evaluation Description Date of Run Time of Run Test Recorded Filenames
1 AN84 Curved Road Familiarization 07/22/02 11:00:00
2 AN84 AN84 11:30:00
3 AN84 AN84 Reduced Front Lateral Stiffness 12:30:00 Slalom Initial_stiff
3 AN84 AN84 Reduced Front Lateral Stiffness 12:30:00 Slalom Less_stiff
4 AN84 14:15:00
5 ND
6 ND Slalom ian_slalom_8per,
8 ND
9 Overslung Underslung 07/23/02 13:45:00 Slalom, Lane Change ian_sl_underslung
13:45:00 Slalom, Lane Change ian_sl_tension
10 ND4x4 Front Stabar Non Linear Rate / Hysteresis 07/23/02 15:45:00
11 ND4x4 Rack Bushing Rates 07/23/02 17:00:00
12 ND4x4 FLCA Bushing 07/24/02 11:00:00
13 ND4x4 Steering Boost Curve 07/24/02 14:00:00
14 ND4x4 GVW 07/24/02 14:45:00 Slalom, Lane Change
15 ND4x4 Wrangler RTS –vs- Eagle LS 07/24/02 16:45:00 Slalom, Lane Change
16 ND4x2/4x4 4x4 –vs- 4x2 07/24/02 17L30 4x4baseline14, 4x2baseline14
17 ND4x2 Front Stabar 07/25/02 09:45:00 Slalom, Lane Change
18 ND4x2 C Factor 07/25/02 10:30:00 Slalom, Lane Change
19 ND4x2 Front Stabar StickSlip on Strut 07/25/02 11:15:00
20 ND4x2 FLCA Bushings 07/25/02 12;25 FLCABase19, FLCASoft19, FLCASplit19
21 ND4x2 GVW Front Bar 07/25/02 15:00:00 Slalom, Lane Change gvw_22.asc, gvw_22i.asc, gvw_22lc.asc, gvw_23sl.asc,
22 ND 4x2 GVW Rear Bar 07/25/02 16:35:00 Slalom, Lane Change 30gvw_22.asc, 30gvw_22lc.asc, 30gvw_23sl.asc
23 ND 4x2 CU Short Course 07/26/02 10:00:00 CU Short Lane Change igfcu1.asc to 21, igfcu_gvw1.asc to 2, cu_darrell_run1.asc to 8, cu_gvw_darrell_run1.asc to 4, cu_gvw_run1.asc to 7, cu_run1.asc to 30
24 ND4x2 Caster Eval 07/26/02 11:40:00 Slalom 23base, 237per, 23base63, 237per63

Table 3 - List of Runs with Data

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