Toolbox for AWS Deep Dives
This page contains guidance for evaluating publically available AWS reference architectures and related material. It is the authors opinion only. No warranties or guarantees are provided or implied.
How many AWS Services Exist?
- Try using AWS SSM to get a sorted list… aws ssm get-parameters-by-path –path /aws/service/global-infrastructure/services –output json | jq .Parameters[].Name | wc -l
Transcribing Podcasts
- An asynchronous approach to transcribing podcasts using AWS Step Functions and AWS Lambda.
Name | Discovering and indexing podcast episodes using Amazon Transcribe and Amazon Comprehend |
Link | |
From | AWS Machine Learning Blog |
Updated | 20 Sep 2018 |
Services | Amazon Comprehend, Amazon Transcribe, AWS Step Functions, Amazon Cognito, AWS Lambda, Amazon S3, Amazon Elasticsearch and Kibana |
Build Time | 20 min |
Cost | $0.43 / day for Elasticsearch |
Caveats | Lambda functions are Python 2.7 so watch for deprecation as per, Ensure you shrink the Elasticsearch cluster to reduce costs, Good example of loose coupling asynchronous architecture. Assumes US-EN dialect which can result in some interesting transcriptions. |
TAG - Resource Stack | Asynchronous and Serverless |
TAG - Application | Podcast Transcription |
TAG - Source | |
TAG - Language | Python 2.7 |
TAG - Demo Status | No Issues |
TAG - Review By | Jan 2020 |
Well Architected Observations
- Security
- (+) Serverless so no network access
- (+) Uses Cognito for Authentication and IAM for Authorization [demo1-1]
- (-) Elasticsearch cluster open to by default. Let’s lock that down. [demo1-2]
- Performance
- (+) You can tune the individual Lambda functions independently [demo1-3]
- (-) The use of managed services limits throughput OOTB
- Reliability
- (+) Amazon Step Functions loosely couples all integrations and processing. No practical limits on podcast length [demo1-4]
- Cost
- (-) Elasticsearch cluster
- Ops
- (+) Self contained user management, deployment and teardown of resources [demo1-5]
- (-) Lamba function is Python 2.7 (support stops in 2020)
- (-) podcast-transcribe-index insufficient permissions to add tags
- Stats
- 34 resources
Centralized Logging
- A logging and monitoring service that supports multi account and one way data diodes.
Name | Centralized Logging |
Link | |
From | AWS Solution |
Updated | Dec 2019 |
Services | Amazon Cloudwatch custom Alarms, Amazon Cognito, Amazon Elasticsearch and Kibana, AWS Lambda, Amazon SNS |
Build Time | 16 min |
Cost | $0.43 / day for Elasticsearch |
Caveats | Deploy the demo Wordpress App and distribute the public url to generate traffic, Check rejected IP reputation, Ensure you shrink the Elasticsearch cluster to reduce costs |
TAG - Resource Stack | Logging and Monitoring |
TAG - Application | Centralized Logging |
TAG - Source | |
TAG - Language | Node JS 8.10 |
TAG - Demo Status | Node JS 8.10 support ends 31Dec2019. Switch to nodejs12.x LTS in the Cloudformation template. Only two code changes required. |
TAG - Review By | Jan 2020 |
Well Architected Observations
- Security
- (+) Roles used for cross account access [demo2-1]
- (+) Data diode feeds main logging account from logged accounts
- (+) Uses Cognito for Authentication and IAM for Authorization
- (-) Elasticsearch cluster open to by default. Lock it down to a more restrictive CIDR.
- Performance
- (+) You can tune the individual Lambda functions in each logged account independently
- (-) Log capture is mostly asynchronous so not sub second real time visibility [demo2-2]
- Reliability
- (+) Mix of asynchronous and managed services allows this solution to scale out seamlessly
- Cost
- (-) Elasticsearch cluster
- Ops
- (+) Self contained user management, deployment and teardown of resources
- (+) Can add additional accounts to be logged. Ideal for standup and teardown of DR, POC, staging and other non prod deployments.
- (+) Cloudformation Update Stack to NodeJS12.x update (was NodeJS8.10) in less than 10 minutes [demo2-3]
- (+) Can use in conjunction with AWS Limit Monitor Solution. Visit DynamoDB LimitMonitor table and filter for Region=us-east-1 AND TimeStamp > 2020 AND CurrentUsage=Red or Green. [demo2-4]
- (+) Creating Cloudwatch Alarms (for Elasticsearch cluster) using Cloudformation is a great start point that is rarely contentious
- (-)Lamba function is NodeJS8.10 (support stops in 2020)
- Stats
- 28 Tagged resources [demo2-5]
Neptune and Notebook
- Standalone grouping of database ETL, cleansing and querying using an Amazon Sagemaker Notebook.
Name | Let Me Graph That For You – Part 1 – Air Routes |
Link | |
From | AWS Database Blog |
Updated | 7 Nov 2018 |
Services | Amazon Neptune, Amazon VPC, AWS Lambda, Amazon Sagemaker |
Build Time | 12 min |
Cost | $8.35 per day for Neptune. Assume Sagemaker Notebook instance is quiesced |
Caveats | Interesting use of Sagemaker to host a Notebook that loads data, runs graphdb queries and creates vizualizations. This is now an Amazon Neptune feature. |
TAG - Resource Stack | Big Data |
TAG - Application | Sagemaker and Neptune with Air Routes Dataset |
TAG - Source | |
TAG - Language | Python |
TAG - Demo Status | Some Python 3.6 Import and Resource Warnings |
TAG - Review By | Jan 2020 |
Well Architected Observations
- Security
- (+) Sagemaker notebook only accessible when running
- (+) IAM User created that limits access to the graph db [demo3-1]
- (-) No VPC Interface Endpoint to Sagemaker notebook. Direct internet access to the Sagemaker Notebook. At least lock it down to a more restrictive IP range.
- (-) DB Security Groups open to Lock down SSH unless you need it for EC2 access.
- Performance [demo3-2]
- (+) You can tune the Neptune graph DB and Sagemaker notebook instance sizes
- (+) Good example of fast, automated ETL with Jupyter Notebooks and Python code retrieved during Cloudformation Stack build
- Reliability
- (+) Sagemaker Notebook flushes and reloads the data set each execution[demo3-3]
- Cost
- (+) Cloudformation parameters restrict Sagemaker Notebook instance choices.
- (-) Neptune Graph DB cost is persistent. Even when shutting down the Sagemaker notebook.
- (-) Sagemaker Notebook flushes and reloads the data set each execution. This has data transfer cost implications.
- Ops
- (+) Self contained graph db data load, query and teardown of resources
- (+) Contains additional notebooks for first time users (partial runbook)
- (+) Contains additional notebooks of the Python code (embedded codebase)
- (+) Automated ETL, query engine and visualization packaged in a single deployment
- (-) Lamba function is Python 2.7 (support stops in 2020)
- (-) Throws import and resource Python 3.6 warnings. The python dependency mismatches are described in the jupyter cloudwatch logs as ERROR. [demo3-4]
- (-) Notebook start script has data and code dependencies[demo3-5]
- Stats
- 37 resources
Containers, Cognito, DynamoDB and CICD
- Multi tenant container based product catalog with self contained CICD and state teardown.
Name | SaaS identity and isolation with Amazon Cognito |
Link | |
From | AWS Quickstart |
Updated | Dec 2017 |
Services | Amazon VPC, AWS Lambda, ALB, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon ECS, Amazon S3, Amazon SNS, AWS Codebuild, AWS CodePipeline, Amazon Cloudwatch |
Build Time | 98 min |
Cost | $0.54 / day for the ALB and $2.21 / day for EC2 and $0.29 / day for EBS |
Caveats | Uniquely builds CICD pipelines and the application with 43 Cloudformation stacks and more than 200 resources. It’s more than 2 years old but still impressive. Read the 37 page Deployment Guide. |
TAG - Resource Stack | Multi Tenant |
TAG - Application | Containers Cognito DynamoDB CICD |
TAG - Source | |
TAG - Language | TODO |
TAG - Demo Status | No Issues |
TAG - Review By | Jan 2020 |
Well Architected Observations
- Security
- (+) Uses Cognito for Authentication and IAM for Authorization
- (-) Uses root user for codepipeline perms. This is not a required use of the root user as per
- Performance
- (+) 7 ECS and 1 UI uncoupled. This is a very scalable application with minimal modification
- Reliability [demo4-1]
- Serverless and Containers! Inherently reliable compared to running everything on traditional compute
- Cost
- (+) ECS Cluster and EBS volume costs are relatively low for this large deployment (200+ resources)
- Ops
- (+) Seperate Cloudformation stacks to teardown the resources [demo4-2]
- (+) 7 ECS and 1 UI codebases have seperate Code Pipelines [demo4-3]
- (-) S3 bucket sprawl. Some consolidation seems appropriate. [demo4-4]
- (-) DynamoDB provisioned capacity is assumed and low. No Cloudwatch alarms are configured in the Cloudformation template. Some dashboards would be useful for this many resources.
- (-) Lamba function is Python 2.7 (support stops in 2020)
- Stats
- 226 total resources from 43 Cloudformation stacks [demo4-5]
AWS Workshop for Kubernetes
- Here we use the very comprehensive AWS Workshop for Kubernetes available on Github.
Name | Kubernetes the AWSome Way! |
Link | |
From | AWS Github |
Updated | 30 Oct 2018 |
Services | Amazon EKS, AWS Cloud9, Amazon VPC |
Build Time | 2 hrs to 10 hours |
Cost | approx $20 |
Caveats | This workshop utilizes AWS Cloud9 IDE and integrates EKS and native Kubernetes tooling. This workshop defaults to Kubernetes v1.10 so update as necessary. This workshop also allows you to use native Kubernetes tooling in conjunction with AWS. It’s self paced and composed of a 2 hr intro and 4 hr each Dev and Ops instructions. |
TAG - Resource Stack | Containers |
TAG - Application | Kubernetes the AWSome Way |
TAG - Source | |
TAG - Language | NA |
TAG - Demo Status | Cloudwatch Logs Not Accessible |
TAG - Review By | Jan 2020 |
TAG - Platform | Kubernetes |
Well Architected Observations
- (+) No inbound Security Group access to the control plane SG
- (-) Security groups are open to
- (-) Kubernetes does incur additional master overhead
- (-) The need for a quorum also demands three Availability Zones which increases costs by 50% basedon availability alone
- (+) The use of AWS Cloud9 to run the runbook is a neat seperation from the cluster [demo5-1]
- (-) Kubernetes roadmap evolves rapidly (quarterly). Need to evaluate and update the runbook regularly [demo5-2]
- (-) Need to enable the EKS Cloudwatch logs. Having prebuilt dashboards would help improve situational awareness.
- 15 Tagged resources
Alternatively you can use the Modular and Scalable Amazon EKS Architecture Quickstart located at
Bonus Examples
Big Data Examples
Redshift Step and Glue
- Serverless ETL using AWS Glue and AWS Step Functions for Amazon Redshift data loading
Name | Orchestrate Amazon Redshift-Based ETL workflows with AWS Step Functions and AWS Glue |
Link | |
From | AWS Big Data Blog |
Updated | 11 Oct 2019 |
Services | Amazon Redshift, AWS Step Functions, AWS Glue, Amazon SNS, AWS Secrets Manager, Amazon S3 |
Build Time | approx 2 hours |
Cost | |
Caveats | Multiple Cloudformation templates to deploy which closer mimics production deployments. Uses Secrets Manager for DB passwords |
TAG - Resource Stack | ETL |
TAG - Application | Redshift Step and Glue |
TAG - Source | |
TAG - Language | |
TAG - Demo Status | TODO Reevaluate |
TAG - Review By | Jan 2020 |
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon
- An Example of an ETL Process for Transforming and Loading Data Into Amazon Neptune
Name | Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon |
Link | |
From | AWS Github |
Updated | |
Services | |
Build Time | |
Cost | |
Caveats | |
TAG - Resource Stack | ETL |
TAG - Application | Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon |
TAG - Source | |
TAG - Language | |
TAG - Demo Status | TODO Not yet evaluated |
TAG - Review By | Jan 2020 |
Networking and Multiple Account Examples
Some demos are logistically more complex. Any complex networking, multiple account or federated authentication examples typically require multiple accounts and the use of third party services.
Serverless Transit Network Orchestrator
Name | Serverless Transit Network Orchestrator |
Link | |
From | AWS Solution |
Updated | |
Services | AWS Transit Gateway, AWS Organizations |
Build Time | |
Cost | $75 / month |
Caveats | Demonstrates AWS Transit Gateway and network automation for complex networks and account hierarchies. Requires at least two accounts linked hierarchically with AWS Organizations |
TAG - Resource Stack | Networking |
TAG - Application | Serverless Transit Network Orchestrator |
TAG - Source | |
TAG - Language | |
TAG - Demo Status | TODO Not yet evaluated |
TAG - Review By | Jan 2020 |
Deep Dive Tips and Tricks
- Demo integrations and not just services. (but specialist SAs, ProServe and Product team folks can support truly deep deep dives)
- Manage sprawl of S3 buckets
- Configure services like AWS Config, Amazon Cloudtrail and Amazon Cloudwatch to use a single bucket. This lets you use this data for interesting adhoc log queries without having to manage complex manifests.
- Manage all those convenient access configurations to apply the rule of least privilege. Use AWS Config to dive deeper. NOTE Avoid demonstrating any sensitive resources you may have in your account.
- Tag everything so you can find, cull and track all supported resources. Anything not tagged is a candidate for automatic culling
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